Soft tape, hard tape, and laser tape – all three of these tools measure distance, but they all do it in different ways. Some are more suitable for certain situations than others. Part of being a good camera assistant is having the right tools and knowing the right time to apply them.

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Most Recent Articles in "Toolkit"
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Why iWouldn’t Use an iPad Slate
This past week, Apple released a new Pad commercial with the MovieSlate app in action. While the iPad as a clapperboard is nothing new, the Apple ad has turned it into a conversation piece. I’ve thought about how cool it would be – specifically the prospect of digital camera reports – but is it necessary? And more importantly, would it be better than using a physical slate?
Useful Cinematography iPhone Apps to Have on Set (Part 4 – in 3D!)
Apple recently passed 10 billion downloads from its App Store, which means that now more than ever the iPhone is being put to work as a tool. I guarantee if you walk on a set you’ll see more iPhones around than at your local Apple Store. Today I’m kicking this cinematography app series up a notch into the third dimension! This article is all about apps for 3D sterography, so get the credit card ready, because calculating that extra dimension is going to cost some money…
Announcing the RED One Quick Reference Pocket Guide
Today I’m pleased to announced the RED One Quick Reference Pocket Guide. It’s a full-page, printable document designed to fold up into your pocket and allow you to reference some of the more technical aspects of the RED One camera.
Toolkit DIY: The Bottle Buddy
Nothing says, “I’m here for you” like extending an unopened water bottle to a fellow crew member. The only problem is, when moving around large sets or on location, these water bottles can often get left behind. In comes the bottle buddy to save the day…
Field of View Comparator from Abel CineTech
One of the important aspects of choosing focal lengths will have to do with what kind of field-of-view the camera provides. Luckily, there is an internet web tool that will allow you to compare different lenses on different cameras without ever having to shoot some tests.
Quick Tip: Make a Tape Measure Easier to Read and Safer on Set
For the camera assistant, tape measures, or other measuring devices, are essential tools to getting accurate marks and keeping the focus sharp. And while it may seem like a tape measure can’t be improved anymore, there are simple ways to make the most basic tools in a kit better. Today brings two quick tips: one to make a reading a tape measure a faster process and the other is to improve its safety.
Expendables Shootout! A Three-Way Battle for Cheap Expendables
For any camera assistant, grip, gaffer or other crew, expendables are a necessary purchase for every production. In the low-budget world, the expendables budget for a department is often limited and has to be stretched. So where can these items be purchased with the most bang for the buck? Let’s find out.
Toolkit: Portable Hard Drives to Download Footage On Set and On-the-Go
I’ve mentioned many times before that a clear workflow and responsible data management is essential when shooting a film on digital. Part of that is making sure that footage is backed up and stored safely which means having hard drives that are dependable and fast. In this post, I’ll run through three portable hard drive options that are great for on-set downloading.
Comprehensive Digital Cinema Glossary from Arri
Established motion picture camera company Arri has listed online a comprehensive glossary of terms and concepts related to digital cinematography. A good resource like this (or 100 of them) cannot be understated for its usefulness. When it comes to digital cinematography, understanding the terms and underlying concepts of the technology, whether shooting Alexa or DSLR, is crucial to be able to utilize the tools properly.