For those with heavy experience, this video is a nice reflection of what you encounter everyday. For those new to the film industry, this video is a brief, concise crash course in the basics of how a film crew operates.

Behind the Lens
Filmmaking perspectives from the less glamorous side of the camera
Most Recent Articles in "Behind The Lens"
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25 Hilarious Filmmaking Meme Jokes: The Animated GIF Edition
Today the filmmaking jokes are back, but with a twist: they’re all animated GIFs, taking after blogs like #whatshouldwecallme (if you haven’t seen it yet, I apologize for sending you down the rabbit hole).
Batting Baseballs with Pancakes and Why You Shouldn’t Settle for “Good Enough”
To freelance in the film industry is to always glean more knowledge from every show you work on. And the spec commercial here that teases “Roddick is Coming” is no different. As an AC on the shoot, I ended up with a few lessons learned.
18 Hilarious Filmmaking Jokes from the Internet Meme Machine
It’s time for camera assistants — and filmmakers in general — to get in on the jokes and make their own meme fun. So here’s 20 memetastic memepics to satisfy your cravings for bold white text and filmmaking related humor.
10 Awesome Production Stills That Will Remind You Why You Love Filmmaking
Over at The Black and Blue Facebook page, I held a mini-contest and asked people to submit behind the scenes production stills. Some were funny, some were impressive, and one was even sexy – you’ll see…
Anatomy of a Film Crew in Pictures
On my first set, I needed something like a crew diagram to help me navigate through the set. And now I’ve created my own. I’ve taken five photos from various sets and labeled each one for your entertainment – or education.
5 Books to Inspire You to Make Better Films
If you’re like me, movies are your bread and butter. You make movies, you love movies, and you study movies. But films aren’t the only source of inspiration for us filmmakers and many books change the way you think or feel about subjects, including film.
Robert Zemeckis on the Responsibility of Success
I can’t speak from personal experience, but what Zemeckis says seems true on so many levels. How many times have directors created great movies out of nothing only to fall flat when they can get anything they want?
10 Cool Production Stills Submitted by You
For the past week or so I’ve been urging people to upload some of their best and most interesting production stills to The Black and Blue Facebook page. The feedback was awesome, so thank you to all who submitted! After carefully scouring through them, I compiled the most interesting photos you liked best.
10 Oscar Winning Films that Honor American Soldiers
To commemorate these men and women, I scoured through the list of Academy Award winners for “Best Cinematography” and found 10 films that delve deeper into the life of the American soldier during wartime through stunning cinematography and the emotional power of cinema.